
Your Brain is an interesting subject, you think! right. But, your mind is also as interesting as a mysterious one. Just pay attention to the word 'Mysterious'. Do you know, People with Bad handwriting are more intelligent as compared to the People with Good Handwritings. And Do you know, Your brain frequently get bigger and smaller like heart. After Reading this, I am pretty sure that You will Say " That's Amazingly fantabulous".

Brain is the most complex organ in our human body. The amount of stars that present in the whole Universe is damn Lesser than Neurons present in your Brain. In this current seconds of time going, Connections are still being made between the trillions of neuron, So that, You are being able to think.

If You are thinking that Music can increases your Creativity, Focus, Concentration, Analysis Skill, and Retention. Then, You are almost Right. Therefore, Today we are going to know about a very powerful musical beats which have changed many people's life. The life changing music, called Binaural Beats.

Music has the Power to make your dreams, Reality.

What is Binaural Beat?


Binaural beats are like the Medicinal Angel to Our life. There are many inspiration persons whose life totally changed because of the Binaural Beats. These beats are really powerful. It can cure or heal many Problems related to your body and mind.

'Binaural' refers to Two Ears, and 'beats' refers to the Music or Sound. Binaural beats means to hear the Different to Different frequencies of sound to the both different ears. If you are not being able to memorize things and study, this music is for you.

Binaural beats can make anxiety & stress uprooted. These also helps in your life to actives your Subconscious Mind.

Many studies and researches had already proven that the Binaural beats really helps improving behaviour, mindset, and may lead you to success and to the Positive pathways. You can find many inspirational persons who had changed their life with the help of the binaural beats.

As we know, The Waves travels through our ear and get converted into energies and the energies get recognised by the Brains. But, These music causes Wobbles.

Science of Binaural Beats

Billions of Neurons Network :

The Binaural beats are the beats having differences in the frequencies. And the one frequency receives by one ear and another frequency by the other.

Like, Left ear receives the Higher frequencies and the Rights ear receives Lower frequency. Now, these cause Wobbles. The Frequencies cannot be able to get Recognized by the Brain and due to this, the Both Left Brain and Right Brain make communication between them to try recognising the frequencies. Due to that, Thousands of Neurons get Produced. The New Neurons helps in Lowering Cortisol levels, Reducing Anxiety & Stress, Increases Sex-drive & fertility, and Your IQ level also gradually increases.

A Study had founded that the People who Practices the Binaural beats daily, their 23% of IQ increases in people.

Healthy-Colourful Brain

You will be surprised by the Benefits of listening Binaural beats. The Binaural Beats has infinity of Benefits. Some are:
  • Pain Relief
  • Self Improvement
  • Make Insomnia away
  • Weight loss
  • Concentrations
  • Motivation
  • Relaxation
  • Memory Recall
  • Helps in Studies
  • Stress relief
  • Reduce Addiction
  • Creativity
  • Visualisation
  • Energy Production
  • Self-awareness and So on.
This show that everything starts from brain and the Binaural beats have relations with brain to reduce negativity. So why not, try the Binaural beats. Just as there is not one medicine for a problem, Binaural beats are also not of 1 kind. These beats have 5 states.

The 5 states of Binaural beats are:
  • Delta State
  • Theta State
  • Alpha State
  • Beta State
  • Gamma State

The Definition and Uses of the 5 State of Binaural beats


Delta State of Binaural beats

Delta State - The Binaural Beats in delta states have differences in frequencies between 0.1Hz and 4Hz
Can't You Understand? No Problem. Let an example. Suppose You are listening the binaural beats of Frequencies 502Hz and 499Hz. That means you are listening the music in the Delta State. This is because the Difference between 502hz and 499hz is 3Hz and 3hz Comes between 0.1Hz and 4Hz.

Useful for :

  • Physical and Emotional Pain Relief
  • Increasing Self Awareness
  • Activates Subconscious mind

Theta State of Binaural beats

Theta State -  The Binaural Beats in theta states have differences in frequencies between 4Hz and 7Hz

Useful for :

  • Inner Peace
  • Deep Meditation
  • Overcome Addiction

Alpha State of Binaural Beats

Alpha State - The Binaural beats in Alpha State has the differences in frequency of 7hz-13hz.

Useful for :

  • Increases Focus
  • Improvement of Creativity
  • To Enhance the Learning
  • Releases Serotonin hormones, which makes you feel happier and stress free

Beta State of Binaural Beats

Beta State - The Binaural Beats in Beta state has the differences in frequency from 13Hz to 39Hz.

Useful for :

  • Motivation
  • Alertness
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Sexual Health

Gamma State of Binaural Beats

Gamma State - The Last but not the least is Gamma State of Binaural beats. The Sound will be known as Gamma Stated Binaural beats if differences in the Frequencies is over 40Hz.

Useful for :

  • Peak Awareness
  • Intelligence
  • Social Attachment
  • Self Control

Before You Start Listening Binaural Beats

The Important Instructions for You before start listening the Beats. Things to Keep in mind before starting :
  • The Binaural Beats can make you feel Uncomfortable, when you start. But with the Time it will be friendly.
  • You can start listening for atleast 10 minutes at the Starting Phrases. And then, Make the Duration longer with the Passing time.
  • Your Brain may take sometime to Understand the Beats.
  • Very Important Thing you need is the Headphones with Stereo Music Supported. (All information are present below)
  • Some Old memories may comes but don't be Panic.

What Happens when Start Listening?


After Started Listening to Binaural Beats everyday, You will notice sudden changes in You and Your behaviors.

At the Starting Phrases, Your Brain start producing neuronal pathways. Therefore, the Emotional and feelings connected with Some old Memories may be Activated. Your Old memories may be come infront of You. But don't be Panic, it is totally Temporary. It disappears with the time. 

The Most Important tool, that you need to get benefitted of Binaural beats is your Headphones/Earphones. The Headphone or Earphone must be Stereo Supported. So, the frequencies will work in you. Mono based earphones provide the low quality sound with Single frequency to the both the Ears. But, Stereo Based earphones provide high quality sounds with Multi frequencies Supported. is Important requirement because if your headphones will be not good then You Improvement will also be not good. The Binaural beats through Bad quality earphones can make Negative effects on the Mind and Body. And Can cause seriously injuries in Brain.
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