
As it is the time of Corona Outbreak, this time You should take good care of your health. And this time we need to know the tricks to be Protected from coronavirus.

This can destroy us and our family, so we should stay as far away from this as possible. And due to lack of proper official medicine, We may have to lose our life too. Be alert and make the people around you alerted too.

So today we are going to talk about how Camphor can drive away the corona virus. It is based on the research of some people.

What is Corona Virus?

The Coronavirus is one kind of respiratory disease, caused by the Viruses and can be transmitted to the other peoples through the Medium of Air, water, touching, foods and Droplets.

The Coronavirus is such a disease which have no official reports to cure it properly. Earlier, Corona virus was known to be get fall into by a person once. But, Now it is known to be cause in an person for twice or more. As I already write about it that Is it possible that one can infected from Coronavirus Twice.

There are many reports by well known Media, which proven that the Patients in China are getting infected from Coronavirus once again after being cure. Scientists believes that the Coronavirus may be like the other virus  which causes such diseases like the Smallpox, Dengue, Cholera, etc.

The Coronavirus are the Virus which has currently Shaken the Worldwide. The COVID19 virus is causing the Respiratory disease. Which can lead a person to death. The Virus Cases are rapidly growing all over the World. The Coronavirus Comfirmed cases has touched 3.26 millions all over the World and The death cases are about to 235k million too.

The Coronavirus are the Virus which can use our immune system against us after making the immune system Lose against it. The Virus also has the ability to get spread after being in contact quickly with a Healthy Person. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Doctors are learning new things about this virus every day. So far, we get to notice the symptoms of this virus.

This Symptoms of this virus comes in Notice after carrying up from 2 days to weeks.

Some Common diseases are being linked to COVID-19 diseases. They are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Having Coughs, and getting severe over the passing of time.
  • Fever that is increasing, gradually.
  • Fatigue

There are Some Symptoms that people also experiences:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches or pains
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Lose of smell
  • Lost of taste
  • Diarrhoea
  • Runny nasal
If You are experiences these symptoms then, You must quickly make a Call to the Local Coronavirus Helpline.

There are many information present about it in the Aarogya Setu App (Only Services Available for Indians).

If have Cured/Recovered from the COVID19, then You are recommended to be in Quarantine for 14 or more days.

How to Cure the Corona Virus?

The Steps can be taken to avoid the Coronavirus Enter into Your body, have been also discussed earlier in an Article by SayamBlogs.

The Cure of this can be done by Improving your Mental Fitness and Mental Brain Connection to Your Body. As we know, that Coronavirus has already lead make People to its Symptoms and being kill by it. 

The Nicest thing to do during this Quarantine time is discussed in an Article: Things to do during Coronavirus .

How Does the Camphor can be used to cure the Coronavirus?

The Camphor are the best Solutions to many respiratory diseases. The Camphor are also known as Karpur (in hindi).

What is Camphor? 

Since the Ancient times the Camphor are known to be a Divine or Positive energy against the Negative thinking's and Scare. 

The Camphor are mentioned in the Scriptures, Holy text. In those Holy texts and Scriptures, the Camphor symbolises a Strong and Effective with the Scare and Divine.

The Camphor when burnt, releases the Gas that make signal of the Becoming very pure through the Virtuous & Divine. The fumes and fragrances of the Camphor, Possess the power to redifine your surroundings by the releasing the healing energies, and make the negatively energies away which are present and magnify the Positive energy. 

Sometimes, there is a Persistence of feeling of stress, fatigue, anxiety, & negative feelings in us. Exactly, the air releases from the Camphor are get spread and make the negative energies uprooted and make it away.

'Burning Camphor' - don't get influenced by the negative energies around us. The Burning Camphor also magnificent ways of generation the Positive Energies. These Burning camphor are know to be a ritual medicine for the Positive inhalation. These should burn in the Morning to make the day Smooth and Positive. It creates the strong feelings and vibes. So that's why the Camphor is very important for us.

The Recommendations for using a camphor is to use a Pure camphor instead of the Synthetic one to experience the best exploit their healing energies.

Is Camphor really helps to cure the Coronavirus?

While clinical research on this divine remedy is lacking, historical evidence suggests that it may have a role in reducing the spread of epidemic respiratory infections. We can hypothesize that mild application of camphor in which Vicks (eg Vicks) can reduce the spread of acute respiratory viruses such as the latest outbreak of Coronavirus, now called COVID-19.

Clinical studies are needed to demonstrate this effect. Further research on this topic may also help in finding the best form of camphor for use in medicine. The world is waiting for pharmaceutical giants to come up with a drug or vaccine for the current strain of Coronavirus, but the response is expected to be slow as the primary driver for these large companies is usually profit and not for people's welfare.

It is the wonder of the Holy Quran that already points us to a compassionate gift from God in the form of camphor and other homeopathic remedies for Coronavirus - the simplest and cheapest of the treatments that are readily available.

Turmeric Milk and Camphor Remedy

No matter how modern we may be, aging Indian remedies always stand up for our rescue, even in the worst of circumstances. Turmeric milk, also known as Golden Milk, is an inseparable part of our culture and is known to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. 

In addition, camphor has antibacterial and antifungal properties and helps fight infection. “We have introduced hot milk with turmeric. Also, we give it the smell of burning camphor before going out, ” says Koral Dasgupta. (An great storyteller).
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