
Topics we are going to learn about:-

  • Introduction to the Subconscious Mind
  • What is Mind?
  • Types of Mind
  • What is Conscious Mind?
  • What is Subconscious Mind?
  • The 8 Subconscious mind powerful techniques.
  1. Visualization
  2. Mental Movie Method
  3. Baudoin technique
  4. Thank You Method
  5. Affirmation
  6. Argue method
  7. Give Permission to yourself to be Success (Bonus)

Introduction to Subconscious mind


Subconscious mind: If I give you 2 options that you have to do this work for the next hour: study or waste time on YouTube. So what would you like to do.

Oviously, You will like watching videos on YouTube! Knowing that you will benefit from studying or doing some productive work. You will still prefer to watch YouTube. Why so?Now your answer will be that "Watching videos on YouTube is effortless. And there is no effort in doing this. But not at the case of study." Which is absolutely right!

But even then, because of this Time pass there will be an hour to live. So the question here is that, Why are you always relaxed in this race of work and rest? To understand this, you must first understand dopamine in the mind. Dopamine is Chemicals present is your mind, By which you feel happy and addictive with the effortless works which means "to rest", in the race of work and rest.

Now, YouTube or Study, which work you can do easily. Obviously, YouTube! Why so? Because it is already set in your Subconscious mind that it is an task which required no efforts and just do it. The addictions of bad things are due to the Subconscious mind. But, Remember that Subconscious mind have ability to change your life. It can make you life too much better, and also it can make your life too much worse. The Subconscious mind is default as negative. But the Good news is that, it can be changed to a positive subconscious mind. In fact, 95% of works in our daily life we do Subconsciously. To know all these things like this you must understand, " What is a Subconscious Mind?". Huh! First we should learn about the mind and then go ahead towards the Subconscious mind.

So, let explore about What the Subconscious mind is exactly. But, hey Don't forget to check our earlier article about, Ways to improve Immune system. Because that's a topic that you must know to fight against Coronavirus.

What is meant by Mind?

If we are exploring the arts of mind control, then we should know the Exact definition of mind or What is meant by Mind.

There are 3 types of body. They are: 
  • Gross body, 
  • Subtle Body,
  • and Spiritual Body.
Gross Body: the Gross body is made up of 5 elements. The five elements are, Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, Air.

Subtle Body: the Subtle body is made up of 3 subtle elements. The three elements are, Mind, Intelligence, and False ego.

 »  The mind is the Subtle element of our body.

  • We have 5 knowledge acquiring senses:
  1. Eyes
  2. Ear
  3. Nose
  4. Skin
  5. Tongue
  • Eyes: through our Eyes, we acquire the knowledge of form.

  • Ear: through the Ears, we acquire the knowledge of sound.

  • Nose: through the Nose, we get the knowledge of smell.

  • Skin: through the Skin, we acquire the knowledge of touch.

  • Tongue: through the Tongue we get the knowledge of taste.

And the five sense work hard to obtain the sense object. The mind is the controller of 10 senses, or we can say, mind is the director of 10 senses. And the 10 senses are the actor. The mind is the king of these 10 senses. Therefore, mind is a king.

Types of Mind

Mind is the Controller of the 10 senses. But have you wondered if your mind is of how many kinds. Your mind is of 2 types. Suppose to understand, if we make the mind into two pieces then we will find that the mind is of 2 types. So the Mind is of 2 types. What are they? They are Conscious mind and Subconscious mind.

What the Conscious mind meant by?

The mind is of 2 states. The Conscious mind id one of these. The Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind has everything inside our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally.

Conscious mind: Lets explore the simple definition, Your conscious mind is your purpose or thinking mind. It has no memory, and it can only hold one thought at a time.

What is meant by the Subconscious mind?

The Unconscious mind is the another and final type if the mind. The Subconscimind is also known as the Unconscious mind. 

The unconscious mind is a repository of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that lie outside our conscious awareness. The unconscious contains material that is unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict.

8 Subconscious mind Powerful techniques

The Subconscious mind is really very powerful as it has the control over our beliefs, our past experiences, our memories, our skills.

The Subconscious mind works in the Background. The Subconscious mind based on the Feelings, belief, skills, and life experiences.

The another reason for why the Subconscious mind is known to be powerful is that it Saves the energy of the mind. But, How? The Subconscious mind handle the works or tasks by storing it. So that less power/energy will consume. Suppose, You have learned a skill like playing guitar by facing difficulties. But, if you brain never store the skill in brain muscles then you have to face those difficulties again and again.

The most important reason for which the brain is known to be Powerful that The Believes, thoughts, ideas present in you subconscious. These things actually mind decides your future. Really a stellar fact. Isn't it!

The example of subconsciously working is, Imagine what happens after you watch a motivational video. Obviously, You thinking of to wakeup early and work for the future. But, actual what happens? Yes, when you heard the alarm and sleep for long time. Why? Well, the answer is because of the Subconscious mind. But how? Okay, when you are just getting to wakeup, Your subconscious mind says to your body that it is not normal and Sleep as usual.

But, what to do? Don't worry there is solution for that. The solution is, You need to Reprogramme or Remap your Mind. You need make the Bad things present in your brain away. You need to replace the Things which stop you from working for your goals with the Good things. Well, You can do this with powerful technique 'Repetition'. You may remember that a few paragraph above, I had said you that Your Brain put the things to Subconscious mind to Save Energies that Means the things that we do again and again consciously that goes to the Subconscious mind. So that we don't have to Push yourself to work. In short, the Things, Thoughts, believes and Actions slowly becomes normal, usual and Automatic for Brain when done repeatedly. So, do The things like Reading Blogs like you find in Sayamblogs.in , reading books, watching good videos and do Productive works. Even if you don't like to. Also, You should stay with the Positive peoples with similar goals. Watch inspirational movies. 

The Main Aim should be to make the Goals stored in Subconscious mind. So that, you don't have to invest efforts to work on. Here are 6 techniques for your subconscious mind like Repetition.

1. Visualization


You know, Why Steve Jobs was an successful person? Because, he knew what he wanted to do. Why Apple Company has such nice Products till 2011? That's because of Visualization, How? To get know this, You must have to understand "What is Visualization? "

Visualization: It is a technique to make mental graphic representational image in Mind of Something you desires or the Goal, You desires. The GUI Operating was made Because of the Visualization. 

In the Visualization technique, A Person thinks or make imaginary thoughts about Something that he wants or his Goals and behave like he have already Achieved. By doing this, He attracts his Goal indirectly by Building Confidence. This is an very Powerful technique that make desires stored in your subconscious mind. 

That's because, the Brain doesn't know the differences between Reality and Imaginary. So, by doing this activity, You brain thinks, this is Reality. And then Definitely you will achieve your goals. 

2. Mental Movie Method


The Mental Movie Method is Similar to Visualization method in which you plays a picture in mind before doing work. For example, If You want to develop Book Reading habit in you. Then, You can use this Method. You have to do is Just play a imagine movie that you are reading booking very intrestingly. By doing this again and again, You brain will store a great reputation about Reading book. Slowly and Gradually, You will notice that You are enjoying while Reading Books.

Note : You Should must have Strong Faith, You should feel that you are really a person with great reading habit in Your imaginary movie.

3. Baudoin Technique


The Discoverer of Baudoin Technique, Charles Baudoin was a Psychologist. According to him, Your subconscious gets activated when you are feeling Tired or Sleepy. This is because Your Conscious mind doesn't in stage putting efforts, So Your Subconscious mind stays Active. The main point is that, You should Use Visualization Technique in state of Sleepy. So that, Your Visualization will directly stored in Subconscious mind without being Resisted by the Brain. So visualize yourself as a Good man while in the State of sleeping or tired.

For Example, When you are in these states, You should visualize the Things for only 5 minutes that you desires like Money, and Car as You have already achieved or the Productive Works You are doing to achieve these.

4. Thank You Technique


The Thank You Technique: the Technique is also known as Gratitude technique. In this technique, One says Thank you to the Nature and God for the Things that he has already. 

The Gratitude Technique is very powerful because you are saying thank you to the Nature. By Doing this, Nature will like to provide you more things like that as gift. And You will gradually increases in the field of Wealth, Health, Stealth and Many things.

For Example, A Person was there with many problems in life. He was very unhappy with his life but Still he usually says Thank you to god thrice a day. Due to Repetition of Thank You method, His brain get Remapped and stored the Positive thoughts. Then, Gradually he became one of the leading Successful Entrepreneur.

Conclusion: The Powerful method to get things as gift from the nature. Not by, nature but by Doing this repeatedly, Your brain will Remapped and Replace the Bad thought into the Good and Positive. If You will gratitude the things you have and don't have, Your Positive mind attracts the Desires towards you.

Be Thankful: You should be thankful for the things that you have because many people in the World don't have these much things. This Simple method can give You success, peace and happiness. So, Why not applying this method!?

5. Affirmation Method

The Affirmation is a very Powerful method in which a Person will make commitment before he went to do a big work. And Train the Brain to Prove any thing.

For Example: A Boy was there with many bad experiences in life. He was very sad with the life as he had already faced many problems like Discrimination, Inequality. And Committed to do something which will answer the people who were hurting her. And, finally at the present time he is a Billionaire. That's happens because he used the Affirmation method and already prepared for the Problems.

How You can use the Affirmation method? So here is an Eg. for You: You are thinking before going to a interview that You are the Right person for the Job and You will Prove it in the Interview. After all You will finally achieve the Job, because You had already trained your mind before having Interview.

6. The Argue Method


Guess what the Argue method is? Are you thinking that this technique is to argue with others in this method. So you are thinking wroeg, In this Method of Arguement, You have to argue with your mind. Yes, You heard it right. 

For example: Your are tied and sleepy after few minutes of Work. Then, According to the Argue Method, You have to argue with yourself that why are getting bored! Just Getup and Work. You have to argue with your Mind to be Beyond the Limit. After this, You will be able to work. After doing this Repeatedly, Your brain will be Reprogrammed and Your brain will start acepting that the You are limitless and will never stop you from doing any work.

Bonus Time

7.  Allow Your Mind to live the life according to You

Once, You learn to use this, I am Pretty sure that You will get succesful to reprogram your mind. But How to do this? To learn, you have to read untill the End. In this emthod you have to give Permission to your mind to live life that you desires to. 

For example, You are not happy with your Job. And wanted to do something big instead of job. But dont have the courage to do this. Then, this method will come in Work this time. In this situation, You should give your mind permission to be success and do whatever you like to.
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