Olive oil have much benefits on applying it on face. But Olive oil is not easily available everywhere. And these are costly too. So here we talk about the oil which can be used on face instead of Olive oil.

What is Olive Oil?

Olive-oil, Sayam-blogs,

I know that everyone knows what is Olive oil. But I am pretty sure that not everyone know about its ingredients, history, and manufacturing process.
So basically Olive oil is a liquid fat obtain from Olive. Olives tree crops is the traditional trees crop from Mediterranean's basin. These oils are produced by pressing the Olives. These are generally used in cooking, dressing salad and used on face.

Which Oil can be used instead of Olive oil on face?

A big questions that which oil can be used instead of Olive oil on face. The Oil which can be used on face instead of Olive oil is must not be too expensive, must available on everywhere. Can you guess, So the answer is the Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil can be used on the face, and not too expensive and last but not the least is that Coconut is available everywhere.

Direction to Use the Coconut Oil:

  1. First, wash your face properly with respective face wash before going to the bed so that, I help you better. Also you can use it for Moisturizing your face.
  2. Take 5-6 drops of Coconut Oil and Just apply it on face.
  3. After wake up from sleep at next morning, gently wash your face with respective face wash.
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