
This is a Lockdown period, where we have no work to do. So at this time, The free time gets increase. And with the increase of free time, our focus goes on the Smartphone too much. That focus gets change into addiction with the Time. If you are suffering from the Smartphone addiction. Are you feeling that the smartphone is affecting you mind? Then, here are some tips to get rid of smartphone addiction. We also feel anxiety and unenergized when suffering from Smartphone addiction and also it slower you creativity and productivity of mind. So let's get started.

1. Make your phone charge in another room from where you sleep


Charging your phone near your bed is a biggest trap to make you phone addicted. Because if we make phone charge near the bed then, after wake up from bed, the first thing we touch is our phone. So do charge your phone in another room. When we charge our phone near the bed. We waste our time before sleeping  in scrolling the phone. And it also affect our mind and body.

2. Sorting it as a Challenge


The phone addiction is a very strong addiction. But, trust me! It is nothing infront of our and your challenge taking. So take it as challenge. When we take challenge then a type of hormones produce in our mind and body. Which is too much helpful to Quit any addiction. We can change anything in you by taking it as a challenge. I have seen many people who get changed by taking challenges.

3. Use a Smartwatch instead of Smartphone


Actually Smartwatch is better than Smartphone because Smartwatch is less distractive than the SmartPhone. If you have too much works in Internet then you can use any laptop or Smartwatch because they don't recieve any WhatsApp Notifications or Any type of Notifications.

4. Use Laptop or Computer to send documents


Laptops and Computer are the best way to send any document to anyone in this modern time. Because Emails are the one from which we can send any document. But WhatsApp is also introduced in Laptops. You can use the WhatsApp web by typing Web.WhatsApp.com in your Browser.

5. Charge Phone only Once in a Day


Charging Phone once in a day is very good step that you can take to quit phone addiction. Let it drain as it will. But use it by charging once in a day. 

Best of luck to Quit Phone Addiction.
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