
  • There is no documented information  about the number of cases by masks, clothes and shoes.
  • According to a study on Corona Virus, The Corona virus can lasts up to a week on an mask.
  • This includes, in particular, high risk individuals such as healthcare workers.
  • Some household detergents are able to kill or weaken the viruses. So washing clothes are required.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available at the all time if publications.

Even if you are try hard and your best in a self-quarantine situation to keep your-self safe from novel corona virus, how do you keep, the novel corona virus, getting in?

Still, there’s a nagging feeling that even though you’re maintaining good hygiene, you’re worried about the objects you’ve brought home with you. Are your groceries safe? Plastic bags? What about the clothes you’re wearing? Your shoes? Your mask?

Masks, the only things that are protecting you from the Viruses, Wearing masks doesn't allow the inner air to go outside and also disallow the outer air to inside the mask. But what if I say " it carries corona virus". But how? To know the full information about the spread of novel coronavirus through mask, clothes and shoes.

There are certain inevitable truths to going shopping, and one of them is that you’re going to wear shoes and clothes to do it.

Here's we know the transmission of novel corona through the article of clothing.

Masks and Clothes are high risk

“There’s a lot we don’t know about this virus, and we are learning more about it every day. But this is our current understanding: If you are out for a run in your neighborhood or making a quick visit to the grocery store, it is highly unlikely that you would contract COVID-19 via your clothes or shoes. We don’t believe shoes or clothing are a significant source of transmission,”but what about the masks?

Masks are one of the essential tools to be safe from Viruses. But what if the viruses get stick at the mask and may cause harm to you when you touch it before touching your face without getting Handwash or Sanitized.

According to Hsu, there have been no documented cases of transmission of the novel coronavirus via clothing and shoes at this point.

COVID-19, the flu-like respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is spread by respiratory droplets. Coughing and sneezing by an infected individual in close proximity to another person are the most likely means of direct transmission.

However, we do know that the novel coronavirus is capable of surviving outside the human body on different surfaces, which can result in transmission if touched.

Experts, estimated that the novel corona virus can survive on the clothes and masks upto 1-2 weeks.

So, Washing the Clothes and Masks Properly, is must needed to safe from the novel corona virus.

Extra cares for Clothes to be prevented from novel corona virus

If you are taking care of or frequently in close proximity to an individual with COVID-19, doing laundry often is an essential part of preventive hygiene. This includes, in particular, high risk individuals such as healthcare workers.

The average trip to the grocery store shouldn’t necessitate doing the laundry as soon as you get home. However, if you haven’t been able to keep a safe social distance from others or, even worse, someone has coughed or sneezed in your direct vicinity, washing those clothes would be a good idea.

But, in general, focusing on other areas of hygiene such as keeping hands clean and not touching your face is more important than laundering clothes.

“We do know that social distancing is our most effective means of controlling transmission. So going to the grocery store obviously is a break in our usual patterns of social distancing. To take extra precautions you would certainly use hand hygiene going in as well as going out and management of anything that could potentially have been touched or handled by other persons. Any hygiene you can add to that practice is additive,” said Jordan.

“Regular washing machines with regular soap and water is felt to be safe and effective,” said Jordan.

What about your Shoes?

The shoes are the thing which are impossible to be washed regularly and also the Shoes are dirtier than the clothes by their nature. Shoes carries many kind of bacterias and other kind of contaminants into home.

At a hospital in Wuhan in China, Researchers took the soles of the shoes worn by the medical staff of the hospital.

This units led researchers to declared that, the shoes of the medical staff are working as Carrier of diseases.

But... But, You need to know that the transmission of diseases such Coronavirus totally at low risk through shoes.

That's because, the shoes are the protective materials for us, As we don't take the shoes into our kitchen, or we don't put the shoes on our mouth. They are not high touched objects through out the day. This is also said by Jordon.

But you can take additional safety measures to ensure that contaminants don’t enter your home by cleaning off your shoes and either leaving them at the door or designating an area safely away from social areas of your home in which to leave shoes and other outerwear.

“Taking off your shoes and cleaning them before you enter your home (and leaving them in your garage, washroom, or porch) would also be advisable. This will prevent you from introducing virus into your home from a simple trip to the grocery store. Just make sure you clean them outside your home or apartment, and let them dry naturally,”

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