
4 things to do when get bored at home

As this is a time when are stucked at home due to the lockdown. But I respect the Government for this decision. Living at home is must be. But boring at home is not. Because there are some skills that we should learn during this free period. So that we will also be able to solve any problem in future.

Last week, I was talking with my friend about the COVID-19. He said "by the way, Billgates should help us by launching the vaccine for Corona Virus". He said these line because as billgates is a rich person and he is trying for the Vaccine to be prepared.
Then I realised that day, Why we are depending on Others to do something. As we the brain that they have?
Everyone is desiring to get job but no one wants to solve the problem of people through Business by using brain. So here are some skill to work on to solve problems of your life in the future.

So, here we will talk about 5 skills that we can learn in free of cost at home that will helpful in future life.

1. Build an Application with App inventor

Creative illutrations of App Development

Now, some of you will ask why to develop/build an Application. So, this is necessary because sometimes, we get ideas to help people. Sometimes we like, Any Application should for this problem. If we want to solve that problem then also we can't be able to solve that problem because, we don't know how to develop an app? and also we don't know that what cost do the Web developer take to develop an app?
Suppose, even if we let App developer then we can't be able to make our dream, a reality. 

The One example of Situation where any app is needed is, to track the number of times you are drinking water, no of times you are eating food. And etc. Because developing an app is totally depending upon your thinking skills and the problem people or you are facing.

So for this reason, we should learn to Develop an App. If you have any knowledge basic programming languages, then I suggest you the MIT App inventor. And if you don't have any knowledge of Programming languages then also I suggest you this MIT App inventor.

MIT App inventor is managing by the MIT University. The MIT App inventor have features of Prepared Games application, Tic tak toc game, chess game, Calculator App, etc. You can also learn developing app in MIT App inventor by watching the tutorials available on YouTube.

2. Investing Course

Business women with a rocket rising up in the sky

Many People have no investing skills. They don't invest and save money for the future, which is too much bad. Actually if you are at the age of 20 - 28 years, then saving money is not required for this time but after crossing the 28 years and after getting married and having responsibilities, you must have to save and invest money for your family. 

Varun Malhotra, an Indian YouTuber who had made an course for the people who have no investing skills. Where he talked about the Investing Skill for Long-term even for 10-20 years. You may be shock and will say that I will not like to invest money. But I am saying is to Think differently. Because will will definitely do any long term planning. If you invest your money in FD, IFC, etc, But after 20 years a huge amount changes will take place.

So See, if we do fixed deposits of Rs.1,00,000 for 20 years. then, in today's time we get the return of 5.6%. So after 20 years we will get Rs.3,14,000. 

Whereas, we deposits Rs.1,00,000 in Index Funds for 20 years. Then we will get the return of 15% according to Compound, Annual Growth Rate. Then after 20 years, it will become Rs.16,50,000. This Index Funds is almost the 5x times of the Fixed Deposits. Genuinely I want that every Indian should have this knowledge. So, these are Some Investing Skills that You should learn. To get deep into the Investing skills we can watch Varun Malhotra's free Flap Course of 4 hrs.

Varun Malhotra's Free Course:

3. Read Books


There is no successful person who became success by his experiences. Every successful person is now successful by his experiences along with other people's experience. That Person is Successful because he is smart and learn from others experiences. So the easy way to learn someone's experience by reading their book which contains their experiences of 20-30 years. And by learning from other's experiences also saves the time.

4. Movies


If You are no more having the patients to do something and want some Motivation. Then you can go for watching movies which will help improving our Psychology.

The first movie I recommend you to watch is October Sky.
Where a boy named  Homer Hickman, the son of a coal miner, gets inspired to build rockets when he hears about the first artificial satellite Sputnik being launched into space, even though he faces resistance from his father. Because his father want his son to become a Coal miner. But Homer Does hardwork and make a Rocket Script and Finally becomes a NASA Engineer.

Next, The Man who know infinity. I hope many of us have already seen this movie.
The Movie is based on the Story on Ramanujan, the Great Indian Mathematician popular all over the World.  Who faces many problems, making his mathematics formula and also faces Discrimination in The University at USA. 
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