As this is a period of Epidemic disease like COVID-19. And this the time when people have started thinking that they are suffering from Corona when they fall ill a little bit. Corona Virus has killed 70,000 peoples and Over 400,000 people are suffering from Corona diseases. So it is too much important to improve the immune system. Here are 4 ways to improve the immune system.

What is Immune System?

The immune system in body is a system which protects Organism from diseases. Immune system  is too much important for any organism. The Immune system is present in almost every organism. Even a unicellular organism like bacteria have also immune system which protects them from diseases. As per the National Institute of Health(NIH), Your immune plays a role to repair your body and to remove unwanted virus or germ and to fight against unwanted illness in and from our body.

4 best ways to boost immune system

The improvement of immune system is most required to fight against such diseases Diseases. We already discussed about 2 medicinal drinks to improve immune system . After applying these tips on yourself, I am pretty sure that you may not be killed by any disease. The 4 ways to make immune system stronger naturally, are as follows:

1. Control Your Stress Level

According to the Researchers of Opinion in Psychology, If you are continuously in Stress then your Cortisol level remains high always. Actually Cortisol is a type of hormone which released when the situation is like Fight or Flight. Suppose, for example, a Dog is angered at you then, in the situation the Flight or Flight hormones will released. Either you fight against the dog to make it Shutup or you will run from that place. So Control over the stress level is required.

To get control over the Stress level, just do meditation, talk to peoples about this topic " how to get control over stress level? ", read books, read other articles, and watch videos.

In my recommendations, You just be spirit, do meditation, and pronounce religious Slogans of book. These will help you being spiritual.

2. Focus on getting sleep

Your body get repaired mostly when you sleep. The Immune system is dependent on your sleep. Sleep is the best thing to make your stress level low, to make your body and mind relaxed, etc. Sleeping is just like haven for you body.

When you sleep your body repairs the T cells, immune cells, cytokires which helps in improvement of immune system. In a research on the behavioral sleep medicines it is known that the people who sleeps less than 6 hours the get the flu quickly. And the medicines does work late on them

In this Corona virus time, If you are doing baby, darling in phone except sleeping, then remember that you are make you immune system very low and your baby, darling's immune system also. So sleeps not less than 7 hours to boost immune system. National Sleep Foundation recommendations atleast 7 hours sleep daily. So it will be good to get deep sleep if you will not used Smartphones 2 hours before sleep.

3. Do Exercises

By doing exercises, the Chronic diseases will remain far from you. Exercises also minimises your fatness and controls diabetes. By doing workouts you body releases Endorphins which makes you feel happy, good & better. As we talked about the stress makes your immune system weaker. But do you know, Exercises indirectly makes your immune system stronger.because exercises also minimises your stress level. And one thing will also be increased in society, that is the feeling jealous against you because you feels happy when after doing workouts. So do exercises regularly so that your immune system will be more powerful. There is no requirement of going to gym during this lockdown time, but you can do home workout.

4. Eat healthy diet & Eat more water

This topic not required more explanation because as you have already know about this. But remember that take healthy diet. Don't do over eating like fox. Because that can make you lazier.

Eat Plant based foods. Because as it contains nutrients but also it contains Anti oxidants that makes you skin brighter & also very very important for immune system. 

Focus on 3 vitamins mostly, they are Vitamin C, B6 & E. Vitamin C removes all waste materials. Vitamin C doesn't stored in your body neither it can store it. Keep in mind that You can fall I'll quickly due to the lack of vitamin C.
Vitamin B6 helps in bio chemical reactions.  And take 5-6 lites of water, even if your life is wasted in toilets 😁.
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