
What is Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin is a Skin condition in which skin experiences Irritation and Itching as subjective when Cosmetics applied on the skin.

What is facial?

Facial is the process in which Exfoliation is done. Exfoliation is the cleaning of skin by removing the Old dead skin cells . Exfoliation involves in all the facials. Exfoliation can be achieved by chemical and mechanical means.

  •  Mechanical Exfoliation

Mechanical exfoliation is the process of sloughing away dead skin cells gently through motion.

Note - that mechanical and chemical exfoliation are not done on Sensitive Skins.

  •  Chemical Exfoliation
face-mask, chemical-exfoliation

Chemical exfoliation is the process of removing the dead skin cells with the acids. The Chemical Acids which helps removing the dead skin cells are called as Exfoliants.

Note - that mechanical and chemical exfoliation are not done on Sensitive Skins.

What to do if facial causes irritation on Sensitive skin?

If you have sensitive skin then you must avoid facial exfoliation. Because it can cause irritation on sensitive skin. And if you really want to clean your face from these daily life of pollutions and dusts then you can use face wash for Sensitive skin. And You can follow some steps to improve your sensitive skin into normal skin which are:
  1. Take shower about 5 to 10 minutes with warm water - not hot.
  2. Avoid harsh Exfoliations and Facial creams
  3. Use organic cleaning supplies.
  4. Use gentle, fragrance-free and chemical-free soap.
  5. Don't use perfume instead of Essential oils.
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