
We have always been heard about the disadvantages of virus and how virus are bad for us. But have you ever think up of the Advantages of Virus? Here we are going to learn some Importance of Viruses in our daily life.

You might be thinking, Are really viruses good? So, let me remind you that Everything have some positive side and some negative side. Here we are going to know the Positive Side of Viruses in daily life of humans.

Before You Read

You are really lucky that you had already learned about the viruses in school life. Yes, You are really lucky. But you may learn the bad sides of the viruses in school life.

Let me remind you the awesome facts you had already learned before, The viruses are neither be living nor be dead, Viruses never die, and Viruses are living since the earth was made. Viruses are living inside the host body and dead outside the host body. That really awesome, right?

Viruses are wonderful, and terrible. Here are some Positive Point about these Small Microbe. Already, I had written about the Coronavirus, that virus which had Stirred up the world. You may check them. I had also written the 4 things to learn during this Pandemic Coronavirus. Yes, Are you boring? Check this up.

Exactly, What is a Virus?

Virus is Microscopic Parasites, Which Much smaller and only can be seen with an Electron Microscope. Virus remain Live inside the Host body and Died outside the Host body.

Chiefly, Viruses are judged for being the cause of Contagion, and Currently in trend because of Coronavirus.

Positive Sides of Viruses

The viruses are really known worldwide for its negative, but these are perfect for us. These are also used at many places for good works.
If you want to be Safe from harmful viruses, then you need to improve your immune system. And if you want to know then check our article about Two Medicinal Drinks to Fight against the Viruses.

Advantages of Viruses:-

  • Used in Genetic Research
  • To Destroy Pathogenic bacteria 
  • Used in Medicines
  • Prevention against the Cancer Cells
  • Used in Agricultural Activities

Good Points:-

1. Used in Genetic Research

Genetic Research, Viruses are used in studies. These are used to Study RNA formations, Gene, Transcription, Translation, and Protein Formations. Genetic Research are nowadays very advanced.

2. To Knock down the Bacteria

Bacterial Infections are the most painful and easily happening infections. The bacteria are Present everywhere in the air, surrounds us. Bacteria are get together after getting reactions in our body. Like, the Pimple happens in our Face, are due to the deposition and infections of Bacteria. Not only the pimples but other Pathogenic Bacterial Infections are get Healed by the Medicines prepared by Viruses. After killing or destroying the Pathogenic Bacteria.

3. Used in Medicines

The Viruses are also worn in the manufacturing of vaccines and medicines. In the vaccines the Weakened viruses are used to inject and kill the other harmful viruses in the body. The vaccines are used for many purposes like to cure the viral disease. One most Trending Viral Disease is going on the earth named as Novel Coronavirus. 

This Novel Coronavirus is many times fast spreading that the general virus for which we get ill or sick. The Coronavirus has the almost same symptoms of the sickness of viral fever. But it is the most dangerous virus that can kill the Person who is suffering from.

You may already knew about this virus. It also been used in the medicines' production, The virus are being used as vectors and carriers, that took the required materials for therapy of a disease to target cells.

4. Prevention against the Cancer Cells

The Cancer is one of the World's Deadliest and Largest Health Trouble. In this time, Every 6th death is happening due to the Cancer. In a Year/ Annually, 10 Million (1 Crore) deaths are due to this Problem.

Cancer will happen, when Cells divided uncontrollably and Spread  into the tissues present in the surroundings. Cancer is a Main Problem among people. The Treatments cancer are too much expensive.

In the Treatments of Cancer, the viruses are used to infect partially and kill the Cancerous Cells. The Virus is named as Oncolytic. By-the-way, After the infected cancer cells get destroyed, the Virus releases new viruses to Destroy the tumors which were still remained. And that's it, you cancer therapy will over. After the Treatment, Either the Cancerous cell will over or You will may be over, just kidding, the chances of being alive after an unsuccessful treatment is 47%. So, Don't worry.

5. Used in Agricultural Production

The Agricultural Production is almost the backbone of many countries. And the Healthy Agricultural Activities can make any Country Wealthy. Because, We may have already listened some quotes from our Grandparents like " Healthy Eat, Wealthy, Healthy beat -against Bad luck ".

So, the Farmers as our mothers because when Mom cook unhealthy food then, the Whole family have to suffer, Like that When our country's farmers begins to start producing the unhealthy crops then the whole country has to suffer from many issues.

Anyways, Let get back to the Topic, How does the virus used in agricultural activities? Don't you think before about it? So, the viruses are used like vectors or vehicles. These Micro-Organisms are used to carry the Modified Genomes. Now, What are modified Genomes? The Modied Genomes are the methods used in the Genetic Engineering. According to the Question, the This modified genomes can lead to the increasing of the Production by the Plants.


The Viruses are everywhere around us. The virus have many positive side as near as the Negative sides.

I am sure that many of you all, had known the virus for its bad works/ bad points. But have you ever through of this much Positive Side of the Viruses!?

A New Virus that had originated from Wuhan, China. Had really changed the whole world. Even, If you are reading now, then Possibly you are at home for the Lockdown due to this Small Micro-Organism. But Don't underestimate the Power of the Virus. Because it can lead your life to the Dark way like Death, or Some Serious Diseases.
Must check the Article, I have written for your Benefits: The 4 ways to Improve the immune to fight Against the Viruses

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