
What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is almost same as biology. Trust me it will help in being a Perfect Person. 

If you think that being spiritual is totally meaning of being religious. Then you are not right at all. Being religious like 'Babas' are different and being religious is different.

Exact definition of Spirituality is the Person who is able to search for meaning in life.

Being Spiritual is to view yourself as you are and love yourself as you are.

The Person who loves himself and others is known as a spiritual person.

Spirituality can makes a person very successful by practising.

Actually, Our parents are the only generations who missed out the spirituality.

Our Grandparents are spiritual but no too much as our great grandparents. Okay I know you are not getting understand.

That's because Our Great Grandparents were born in the period when the British had not entered India.

India is a very religious country and many of this country are spiritual.

How to be a Spiritual Person?

To be a Spiritual Person, you have to do Practice Visualization, Meditation, etc. Visualization is the way to make a picture of anything that you are doing to be success, your aim of the work in which you are wanting to be success.

And Meditation is a very effective and powerful. A Focused and Concentrated Meditation can lead you to be success.

How Spiritual helps you to be success?

If you practices the Spiritual works like meditation, visualization, etc can definitely make you success one day. But Keep in mind that, Regularly ask yourself questions like, what's your aim?, what's you are doing to achieve your dream?, How to reach that Stage/Position of the success. Definitely you get answer.

Anyways, Meditation is a Complicated topic but cannot be impossible to understand.
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